The sole purpose of this blog is to help you, as a developer, QA, sysadmin, or likewise, excel with Git and level up as a software professional!
Hopefully, you'll start enjoying working with Git for real (like I did)! 🤓
Who is this blog for
You're probably a bit like me and don't consider yourself a "core developer", e.g., you work closer to the end user rather than the underlying machinery. So using Git is more of a side effect of working in a software development team – in a way, it's incidental but unavoidable to your actual job!
You know how to get by daily (creating branches, making commits, resolving conflicts, etc.), but you're still struggling with becoming utterly independent in working with Git — resorting to the local Git guru in your office whenever things go south.
You probably:
- Find the terminal (aka command line interface - CLI) frighting and old-fashioned, and believes many of the Git commands to be cryptic or inconsistent
- Have given up on digesting the so widely referenced Pro Git Book as it's too comprehensive and into the details
- Have found yourself traversing numerous Stack Overflow threads in search for enlightenment – only to realize all answers are written to and by "the inner circle"
Subscribe now and get instant access to members-only posts and downloadable resources tailored to help you excel with Git!

Downloadable resources tailored to help you excel with Git!
Don't lose faith – the pit of success awaits!
In this blog, I'll shed some light on the conceptual parts of Git in combination with illustrations and hands-on examples, pulling you into the pit of success.
All in all, with the end goal of helping you become completely independent in working with Git so that you can increase your productivity and start enjoying source code management for real!
You might even outshine your local Git guru or throw away that Cheat Sheet when you're done reading this blog! 😆